Pumpkin Pecan Superseed Granola

in Recipes

As you guys know, I am a seasonal gal. My approach to real food is eating what’s local and in season during that time of the year. Why? The foods are nutritionally superior to their foreign comrades in the wintertime and much more nourishing for our bodies.

These days strawberries have more frequent flyer miles than I do. During the long distance that fruits and veggies must travel to get from their foreign soils to our grocery markets, they lose many key nutrients and phytochemicals in the process. Plus fruits and vegetables are usually picked before their optimal ripeness so they won’t be spoiled by time they make it from Argentina to Alaska. To get the most nutritional bang for your health and wallet, eat as in-season and as local as possible.

So what should you eat in-season right now? Go crazy for winter squash, apples, beets, Brussels sprouts, quince, carrots, and pumpkin. Big hooray for pumpkin, my favorite fall food ever. This is why VeguKate is going to become utterly consumed with all things pumpkin for the next month or two; I hope you don’t mind.

This pumpkin extravaganza means I’ll be whipping up pies, soups, breads, muffins, pancakes, and granola galore. Especially this delicious granola packed with Vitamin A rich pumpkin for healthy vision, warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger for the most amazing taste and smell, and hearty rolled oats for plenty of fiber and digestive health. I’ve also crammed plenty of seeds into our pumpkin granola, which provides the most excellent, crunchy bite and texture. These superseeds include:

Pepitas – Pumpkin seeds are a no-brainer in pumpkin granola. They give our bodies iron, Vitamin K, Vitamin B, and protein. They also are a concentrated source of zinc, which is necessary for cell division.

Flaxseeds – Flaxseeds offer more Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and antioxidants too. Plus ground flax aids in completing that perfect granola texture.

Hemp Seeds – Hemp seeds provide complete plant protein, tons of fiber, and an excellent ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids to the granola mix.

Quinoa – technically a seed, quinoa is a complete protein source and an excellent source of fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants.

So with plenty of seed goodness, crunchy pecans, sweet maple syrup, warming spices, and seasonal pumpkin, this granola will ease your way into eating and loving seasonal foods.

P.S. your kitchen is going to smell so, so, so, so, good.

Pumpkin Pecan Superseed Granola

2 cups rolled oats
¼ cup ground flaxseeds
¼ cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
½ cup pecans, roughly chopped
¼ cup quinoa (uncooked)
2 T hemp seeds
¾ cup pumpkin puree
½ cup maple syrup
1 T coconut oil
1 T cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp ground cloves
Dash of sea salt

Preheat oven to 300° F and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

In a large bowl add all ingredients and stir until thoroughly combined. Spread granola mixture on baking tray and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, give granola a good stir, and bake for another 30-40 more minutes, or until granola becomes brown and crisped.

Allow granola to cool completely before storing in an airtight container. Granola will keep for a good week. Enjoy!

More about these ingredients

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